Chef Peter's Oakland backyard chickens walking underneath his backyard lemon tree

With our very own backyard lemons

At The Table Catering we choose the best ingredients for our meals. When choosing the best it often means choosing locally grown produce. By using locally grown produce we’re able to get the freshest, most flavorful produce.

Whenever possible Chef Peter likes to go “hyperlocal” with his produce selection as he heads straight to his own backyard.

Chef Peter picking lemons from his backyard lemon tree to be used in is Oakland/Berkeley meal delivery program

This week Chef Peter featured his backyard Meyer lemons in a Lemon Olive Oil Tart. His Meyer lemon harvest blends with organic extra virgin olive oil from the orchards at Burroughs Family Farm for this dairy-free, Italian-style tart, held together with a bottom crust of Capay Mills whole wheat flour and honey.

This tart exemplifies Chef Peter's approach to dessert: packed with the freshest California ingredients produced by our friends and partners, whole grains, and unrefined sugars. The result? Little creations like this lemon tart that you won't find anywhere else. 


Sharing Love and Funds This VDay


New Year’s Goal: Eat More Plants